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Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Al-Ikhlas
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Asbabun Nuzul
There are several hadiths that explain Asbabun Nuzul this sura which is entirely based on the same core that is an answer to the request attributes depiction of God in which God is One (Al-Ikhlas [112]: 1), everything depends on Him (al- Ikhlas [112]: 2), no children and was born (Al-Ikhlas [112]: 3), and there is no equal to Him (Al-Ikhlas [112]: 4).
Viewed from the very first event, Abdullah bin Mas'ud narrated that a group of Bani Quraish Prophet Muhammad never asked to explain the ancestry of God and then go down this surah. Another History sourced from Ubay ibn Jarir ibn Abdillah Ka'ab and that says that the polytheists said to the Prophet Muhammad, "Explain to us the properties of your Lord." Then go down this sura to explain the request. In this hadith, hadith sourced from Jarir ibn Abdullah made the argument that this sura Makkiyah. In addition, from Ibn Abbas and Sa'id bin Jubair mentions that the Jews are among Kab bin Ashraf and Huyayy bin Akhtab came to the Prophet and asked the same thing with the word first, then go down this surah. In this hadeeth Sa'id bin Jubair asserted that this sura including Madaniyah. Qatadah history and also mentions the Prophet Muhammad visited the Ahzab (Partnership between the Banu Quraish, the Jews of Medina, the Bani Ghatafan of Ta'if and Munafiqin some tribes around Medina and Mecca) are also menyanyakan the image of God and followed by a decline in this sura.
Because of the different sources, the status of this surah Makkiyah or Madaniyah still in question and as though the sources seem kotradiksi one another. According to Abul A'la Maududi, from the hadiths that reported it, judging from the earliest events that occur, these chapters include Makkiyah. The first event occurred, ie in the early period of Islam in Mecca that is, when Banu Quraish to ask the ancestors of God. Then the next incident occurred in Medina where Arab Christians or anyone else asking the image of God and then go down this surah. According Madudi, different sources showed that the sura was sent down repeatedly. If somewhere there and there's Prophet Muhammad who asked the same question with the previous event, then the same verse or sura be revealed again to answer that question. In addition, evidence that this sura Makkiyah Bilal bin Rabah is when the Umayyad bin Khalaf tortured her employer after embracing Islam. While being tortured he cried, "Allahu Ahad, Allahu Ahad!" (Allah the Almighty, God Almighty!). This event takes place in Mecca in the early period of Islam so that shows that this sura was sent down before and Bilal inspired verse of this surah.
Another opinion that is by as-Suyuti. He said the word "al-league" in the hadith that comes from Ubay bin Ka'ab fixed on the idolaters of the Ahzab, thus indicating that this sura Madaniyyah accordance with the hadith of Ibn Abbas. And so he said there is no contradiction between the two hadith if this surah Madaniyah. Description is reinforced also by Shaykh Abus history in the Kitab al-Adhamah of Aban sourced from Anas who related that the Jews of Khaibar came to the Prophet and said, "O Abal Qasim! God made the angels of light hijab, Adam of black soil, the devil of towering flames, the sky from the smoke, and earth from the scum of water. Try to explain to us about the Lord. " The Prophet did not answer and then Gabriel brought revelation of this sura to answer the request Khaibar Jews.
In Islam stories
In several hadith says that Muhammad once said that the reward once read surah Al-Ikhlas equal to a third reading the Qur'an, so read 3 times this same mengkhatam sura of the Qur'an. The story was recorded in the hadith related several stories. Like the story of when the Prophet asked his companions to mengkhatam the Qur'an in one night. Omar considers it impossible, but so Ali menyanggupinya. Umar then think Ali does not understand the purpose of the prophet because it is still young. Ali then read surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times and the Prophet Muhammad fix it. In the hadiths related to this case, the primacy of surah Al-Ikhlas really have a role in the Qur'an so that once read it together with a third reading the Qur'an.
Anas bin Malik also recorded the related story surah Al-Ikhlas is where 70,000 angels are sent to a friend in Medina who died up to dim the sun. 70,000 angel sent just because he often read this sura. And because of the many angels who are sent, Anas bin Malik who was with Prophet Muhammad in Tabuk feel the sunlight dimmed unlike biasannya from which the angel Gabriel came to proclaim the events that are happening in Madinah.
Other Primacy
In the history of Prophet Muhammad Ibn 'Abbas mentioned during the Isra' to the sky, see the Throne above 360,000 joints where the distance between the joints 300,000 years of travel. At each joint there are as many as 12,000 and the Sahara desert vast Sahara desert that each one is from east to west. In each of the Sahara desert, there are also 80,000 angels where every angel read surah Al-Ikhlas and after reading that they pray for their rewards given to people who read Al-Ikhlas, both men and women.
In addition, the Prophet Muhammad also said that Qul Huwallahu Sunday (paragraph 1) written on the wings of Gabriel, Allahus Shamad (paragraph 2) on the wing Michael, Lam Yalid Walam Yuulad (paragraph 3) on the wings of Azrael, and Walam Yaqullahu Khufuwan Sunday (paragraph 4 ) on the wing Israfil. And who reads al-Ikhlas reward reading the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, and the Qur'an. Then associated companions, the Prophet once said that Qul Huwallahu Sunday (paragraph 1) written on the forehead of Abu Bakr, Allahus Shamad (paragraph 2) on the forehead Omar, Lam Yalid Walam Yuulad (paragraph 3) on the forehead Uthman, and Walam Yaqullahu Khufuwan Sunday (paragraph 4) on the forehead Ali.
Meanwhile, another hadith says that when people read Al-Ikhlas when sick until he died, he did not rot in the grave and will be carried by the angels with wings across Siratul Mustaqim to heaven.
Arabic Text, Transliteration & Translation
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ١
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ٢
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ ٣
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ ٤
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem
1 Qul huwa 'Lla hu ahad
2 Allah hu 's-samad
3 Lam yalid wa lam yulad
4 Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad
1. Say, "He is God, One
2. God he is the eternal
3. Not bearing (children) and not born
4. And there is not one comparable to him"
Sura 112, al-Ikhlas (The Purity)[Qur'an 112:1], like all surat except for the ninth, begins with "In the name of God" (Bismillah), which is not part of any sura except al-Fatihah but is written before every sura except for Surah 9 and is not counted among the verses of a sura. It is printed before all surat except the ninth in all printed copies of the Qur'an (mushaf) since it is commanded in the Qur'an to say Bismillah whenever one reads or recites the Qur'an.
Hadith Referring to al-Ikhlas
According to a hadith, this sura is an especially important and honored part of the Quran:
- Imam Malik bin Anas has said that `Ubayd bin Hunayn heard Abu Hurayrah speaking:
"I was walking with the Prophet and we heard a man reciting "Say: He, God, is One" The God's Apostle said: "It is inevitable" I asked "what?": He responded: "Paradise." - Abu Said has narrated that he heard the Prophet saying:
"Isn't every one of you able to recite one third of the Quran during a night?" They thought it was very difficult, so they asked: "Who is able to do that, O Apostle of God?" He responded: "He is God, the One and Only is one third of the Qur'an." - Al-Bukhari reported from Amrah bint Abdur-Rahman, who used to stay in the apartment of Aishah radhi'Allahu 'anha, the wife of the Prophet, that Aishah said, "The Prophet sent a man as the commander of a war expedition and he use to lead his companions in prayer with recitation (of the Quran). And he would complete his recitation with the recitation, 'say He is Allah, One'. So when they returned, they mentioned that to the Prophet and he said, "Ask him why does he do that". So they asked him and he said, "Because it is the description of Ar-Rahman and I love to recite it". So the Prophet said, "Inform him that Allah the Most High Loves him."
This is how Al-Bukhari recorded this hadith in his book of tawhid. Muslim and an-Nisai also recorded it.
1. ^ Tabataba'i, Allamah MH. 1987. Revealing the Secrets of the Qur'an. Bandung: Mizan
2. ^ Abcdefghi "Other names from Surah Al-Ikhlas", Hidayah, February 2009
3. ^ Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Abi Harim, Ibn Jarir, Tirmidhi, Bukhari in At-chronicle, Ibn al-Mundhir, Hakim, Bayhaqi
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