Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA
Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Al-Ahqaf
Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works
Key Points of Contents
- Faith
o The arguments and evidence of the oneness of God and that the idolaters are misguided
o People will get the happiness of believers and unbelievers will be punished
o The message of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. not limited to mankind alone, but also to the genie - Laws
The command to man so obedient to the father and mother, honor and doing what God approves ban against him and hurt him. - Stories
Story of Prophet Hud a.s. and his people - Others
o People who are concerned with worldly pleasures of life will lose it in the Hereafter
o People who believe in Allah and beristiqamah in life no fear come upon them and they do not grieve
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