Surah Az-Zukhruf (Arabic: الزخرف, "Jewelry") is the 43rd sura of the Qur'an. This sura surah makkiyah classified, consisting of 89 verses. Named Az-Zukhruf meaning Jewellery since Az-Zukhruf word contained in paragraph 35 of this surah. This verse confirms that the property can not be used as a basis for measuring high and low degree of a person, because it is an ornate treasure earthly life, it does not mean pleasure hereafter.

Download Links Al-Qur'an Recitation 30 Juz by K.H. Muammar ZA

Please Download here Al-Qur'an Recitation by K.H. Muammar ZA All Ayat Surah Az-Zukhruf

Attention: Buy the original cassette and CD for he still works

Key Points of Contents

  • Faith

    o Al Quran came from Lauhul Mahfuzh

    o Prophet Jesus a.s. It is nothing but a servant of God

    o Recognition of the Prophet Isa a.s. that God is the Lord of the actual

    o Describes how joy in heaven and the terrible suffering of infidels in Hell

    o The assertion that God does not have children

  • Legal

    The command of God to the Holy Prophet in order to stay away from those who do not believe.

  • Stories

    The story of Prophet Ibrahim a.s., Moses a.s. and Isa a.s. as a comparison to the Prophet Muhammad and as an antidote when facing difficulties in conducting da'wa

  • Others

    o Recognition of the polytheists of Mecca that it is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, but they still worship idols

    o their belief that angels are sons of God and the rejection of the false belief that

    o Muhammad PBUH as a messenger to get jeers and taunts-reproach of his people and this is unusual, because the apostles had also experienced the same thing

    o People are very strong idolatrous hold on to traditions and customs of their forefathers in religion, so that closed their hearts to accept the truth.


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